UTAU wiki

ZOE is a voicebank for the UTAU program.

I was always taught to just be myself. Don't change for anyone.
—Jess Glynne - Thursday


Zoe Kathryn Primrose, oftentimes endearingly referred to as "Boogie, Bergie or Da Boogie", is a kindhearted, gentle spirit, always willing to give a helping hand to those in need. She is overly forgiving, and plays a 'mediator' role in almost any and all situations, despite her severe anxiety. She does not prefer to be a leader, though her friends always lean on her for advice and support. She is not fond of drama or confrontation.

She falls into the role of the 'mom friend' of every circle she finds herself in, as she is seen as motherly and having an unparalleled sense of empathy, sympathy and love. She will always put herself and her own needs second if she feels like someone needs a shoulder to lean on, or an ear to listen. She is very good at hearing people out. Naivety is likely Zoe's biggest weakness; she is not too familiar with standing up for herself, which causes it to be easy to take advantage of her and her kindness.

Along the way, this became a source of euphoria for her. She became attached to the thought of being the maternal figure to others, always providing a safe zone to find a middle ground. But she is adverse to raising her voice or becoming too aggressive while doing so.

She tends to keep to herself and doesn't enjoy being the center of attention. She is an excellent speaker when the situation calls or it, but rather anxious in normal interactions. She oftentimes fades into the background of get-togethers and social events. But when push comes to shove, and something calls for it, she can become not only articulate but incredibly mature and well-spoken.

She is peaceful and calm most days. She blends into the background of crowds and does not enjoy very loud environments. Vacations are one thing, but on a day to day basis, she will always choose snuggling up into bed with a good book or a video essay than riding a rollercoaster or going skydiving.

Zoe has an intense issue with her self-image. She sees herself in a very broken light and rarely finds herself pretty enough or smart enough. She has a severe inability to have strong self-confidence in her appearance. Her biggest insecurity is her voice. She spends long periods of time looking in the mirror or taking pictures of herself to try to feel good about herself. When she feels as if she is not good enough, she will isolate for long periods of times in silence. She relies heavily on the word of others and their support, or else she gets lost in her head too much. She fears the rejection of others, and will go to great lengths to ensure her loved ones do not leave her, as she has abandonment issues.

She has trust issues, always believing those close to her are going to hurt her in some way due to past events in her life. Even those closest with her, she struggles to see as non-dangerous, as she feels the need to protect her heart. She does not believe if she does not love herself, that anyone else is capable of caring for her. She second-guesses the motives of everyone, regardless of intention, and feels guilty for doing so. She needs reassurance desperately, even if she doesn't always ask for it. Little comments make her day, and while she never quite believes them, they make her very happy. Ultimately, though, her mind lingers on negative experiences and tends to hold grudges regardless of how she has healed. She has trouble doing so.

She has an affinity for comfort items and when she isolates, she clings to said items. She loves plushies (specifically Care Bears and Squishmallows), blankets and Taco Bell. Literally ANYTIME she is sad, she gets Taco Bell. Always a large Baja Blast. She has a sick obsession with Taco Bell. I'm serious.

Zoe also really likes wigs, and due to feeling unsure of her hair length, she buys a lot of them, particularly red wigs! She has grown more accustomed to having her natural hair out throughout time, and around those she trusts she does not wear her wigs. Still, though, in public she likes to wear her red wigs.

Zoe, desperate to transition in any way, bought estrogen cream and breast growth oil off of a secondhand cheap site because she didn't have much money. This magically made her a Princess. (this is not canon)

She is trying to be the best lady she can be!

she is also da boogie


Everything stated about this character is canon information. Do not take this character out of canon.

Zoe is a meek, compassionate and caring woman with a great deal of empathy for all people and creatures, regardless of their background, always looking to reach out a helping hand to anyone who needs it. She does, however, struggle at times with anxiousness and her self-image, letting others speak before her and preferring to listen rather than to speak. She lives a very quiet, reserved lifestyle and spends her days volunteering at the dog shelter, eating Taco Bell and making fun of Gabe for liking McDonald's.


  • Zoe - a female first name of Greek origin, meaning "Life"

Character details[]

  • Names: Zoe, Zoogie, Zoogie Boogie, Kathryn, Kathy, and Zhu Zhu Pet
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female (MtF)
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Pronouns: she/her
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Height: 6'0" (182.88 cm)
  • Weight: 155 lbs (70.30 kg)
  • Hair color: Auburn
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Body type: Thin
  • Likes: Fruit punch, apple juice, bright pinks/purples, huge fluffy animals, makeup/doing her makeup, soap operas, Mountain Dew, specifically Baja Blast, chicken lo mein, and reality shows
  • Dislikes: Disorganization, messy people, oatmeal, tap water, darkness, nighttime, feeling self-conscious, and when Gabe won't go get her Taco Bell and he gets McDonald's instead
  • Character item: A two liter of Baja Blast (these do not logistically exist, it only comes in bottle and can and soda fountains but she somehow found it : D)



Terms of Use[]

  • R-18 Content Allowed? Permission is required
  • Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission is required
  • Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission is required
  • Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden

Product Information[]


  • Recorded with Blue Yeti
  • Recorded in 2023
  • Samples rendered with RVC AI
  • D3, F3, D#4, G4, high power, low power, & falsetto
  • Rendered .frqs
  • VCV


  • Recorded with Blue Yeti
  • Recorded in 2022
  • Configured by Ryan
  • D4
  • Rendered .frqs
  • VCCV English


  • Recorded with Blue Yeti
  • Recorded in 2022
  • Configured by Near
  • Core, soft, and power
  • Rendered .frqs
  • VCV


  • Samples rendered with RVC AI
  • Recorded in 2021 (remaster of her first voicebank)
  • Configured by Near
  • D4
  • Rendered .frqs
  • VCV

This article is written and certified true and correct by the author of the character. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice.]]
