UTAU wiki
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i This subject is a policy.

Indexes: Wiki policesPage CreationManual of StylePage GuideImage GuideProtected PagePrivacy PolicyTerms and Conditions

Standard guidelines: UTAU Usage PolicyRestricted family names

General templates: Infobox templatesVoicebank tableVoicebank widebox

Site maintenance: About templatesPreload templatesNotify templatesInterwiki templatesCreate articlesWork in Progress category  • Vcolor templateSandbox user headerMore subjects categorized here


The article is a guideline about creating pages for the UTAU Wiki.

(As of June 2019 the UTAU Wiki will no longer accept fanmade characters or derivatives that do not have a functioning (and legally distributed) voicebank. However, privatized voicebanks are acceptable. If such characters are supplementary to an Utau character then please leave that to user spaces such as blogs and userpages.)

Page creation[]

If a page is created on a topic already covered with different spelling it is up for immediate {{Delete}}tion or a #REDIRECT. Also if a page is created for the purpose of Spam, Vandalism, Off-topic content it is also up for immediate deletion. Moving the pages without say can also be seen as vandalism.

  • If you want to create a miscellaneous topic, please use the Blog feature or post in the Forum*.
  • Also, do not create a page to ask a question, please see the Board:Questions and Answers* for such things.

Further infractions of the following may(will) result in a block for a duration, at an administrator's discretion:

  • If the title of the page and the page contains vandalism, then the user who made the page will receive the infraction.
  • If a page is created for advertisement of a non-Utau Website, or promoting a thread, or promoting activity that breaks Wikia TOU, the user who made the page will receive a infraction.


*Forums are subject to change as of Help:Discussions implementation.