UTAU wiki
UTAU wiki
Tony Headshot

(Japanese: 四音トニー - よんねとにー - Yonne Tonii )
FULL NAME: Anthony Francis Yonné (四音アンートニーフランシス - よんねあんーとにいふらんしす - Yonne Anntonii Furanshisu)
四音 (Yonne; Four Sounds) - Refers to the four original languages he was designed to sing.
TYPE: Skyloid
MODEL: S-01 - Appears on his right leg, above his knee
GENDER Male VOICE RANGE G2-F5 (Varies from voicebanks RELATED CHARACTERS Kenta Chikune (Friend, compatriot)
Kazuma Michishige
Victor Yonné (Brother)
WEIGHT 116 lbs (53 kg) CHARACTER ITEM Popcorn CREATOR Skysland21
HEIGHT / MEASUREMENTS 5'6" ft (168 cm) VOICE SOURCE SkyIsland PICTURE LINK LIST deviantART, pixiv, Google, Photobucket
BIRTHDAY August 8, 1993 LIKES Technology, Salty Foods, Popcorn, Pie MEDIA LIST

YOUTUBE, Nico Video

RELEASE DATE June 10, 2009 DISLIKES Ignorance, Losing control SIGNATURE SONG Firework
PERSONALITY: Tony has since matured, from his first appearance. He is both outgoing and reserved. He is a vampire, and struggles to keep control of his bloodthirst, and eats salty foods (or just adds salt to nearly everything) to act as a substitute. He is often paired with Kenta, but is annoyed with his master, for making him sing odd songs with Kenta. He enjoys Kenta's company and thinks of him as a friend. He has a crush on Tei Shizuka, and he doesn't know if she likes him back or not.
DOWNLOAD: Tony's archive

Character Design[]

Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Torso: Army green vest with a emerald green collared shirt. Red tie
Legs: Black slacks
Army green shoes.
Nationality: Filipino-Japanese.

Voice Configuration[]

Tony Lite is a Japanese and English only Voice Bank containing normal, high and low sets of samples, and is is in Romaji by default, as it is made for romaji users.

---Reboot: A Di/Triphonic append, and complete update of Tony, higher quality then all the others. The newest bank.

---English (Temporary name): A multilingual bank being made. Utilizes a slightly modified CV VC list. Unreleased.

4 other appends, Soft, High, Bright, and Heavy.

You can download the appends in SkyIsland's Mediafire

Alternate Voices[]

By genderbending Tony's voice between g-10 to g-15 (placed at C4 and with Tony Lite or the HIGH append), it produces his female counterpart "Toni Michishige".

To genderbend Tony's Triphonic voicebank, the breathiness must be set to zero.

Random Info[]

  • Tony's cousin Kazuma is Tony's genderbend's younger brother.
  • Tony has a vampire form.
  • Tony is unusually flexible, and is able to do the splits.
  • Tony is possibly the first aging UTAUloid, with both his design and voice becoming older over time, ironically. This is because he is a vampire, and vampires are known not to age.

Certified true and correct from Tony's creator, SkyIsland. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice. |}
