UTAU wiki
UTAU wiki

Senne Ruri (千音ルリ (せんねるり)) is a voicebank for the UTAU program.


Terrible attitude, sometimes rude, doesn't listen to anyone but themselves. They are a humanoid form of a wireless internet connection and thus can provide internet to any device anywhere they go. Tends to disconnect if something starts to irritate them. Due to possessing a human body, things such as food or sleep are needed, but Ruri keeps forgetting about them. Is physically strong enough to lift a person into the air with little to no effort. Their birthday is June 13.

Etymology details[]

  • Name: Senne (千音) - a thousand of sounds. Ruri (ルリ) - "an emerald" but the author preferred not to state it.
  • Type: None.
  • Model: None.

Character details[]

  • Hair: Short light-blue hair.
  • Eyes: Green.
  • Outfit: Wears a black shirt underneath a grey jacket with rolled sleeves, dark violet jeans and black boots.
  • Likes: Videogames.
  • Dislikes: Trying too hard.
  • Item: Not stated.


Voicebank distribution[]

Voice Reclist Range Description DL
-REdial- VCV A3~G5 'a Japanese 5-scale VCV voicebank.' DL

Voice details[]

  • Input - hiragana encoded and hiragana aliased
  • System - Microsoft Windows

Voice samples[]

External links[]
