UTAU wiki
UTAU wiki

—Favorite phrase[1]

Ron Keine (京音ロン (けいねろん)) is a voicebank for the UTAU program.


Seems to be a kuudere type, from artistic depictions. He seems to dislike his masters. Has the tendency to snap at people who he considers to be annoying. Loves to cook in his spare time but does not like to openly admit it. He's brutally honest and isn't afraid to speak his mind, regardless on whether or not what he has to say to you is hurtful and/or offensive. Also appears to have patience for children younger than the age of fourteen.

  • Item: Steamed meat bun
  • Likes: Mah-jong, Steamed meat buns of 551 Horai
  • Dislikes: Red beans


  • Keine (京音) - "Excellent sound" or "Special sound".
  • Ron (ロン) - Also referring to the mah-jong ron (winning by discard) presumably.


  • Hair color: Bluish black
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Earphones: Silver, with teal lighting
  • Dress: Green Qipao, with black pants; black armwarmer with green details on right arm, green tech armwarmer on left arm. Black shoes.

Voice Configuration[]



His voicebank's filenames are encoded in kana and may require conversion for some Western users. He is intended for Japanese language only.


  1. "Oh, it's my ron. / Oh, I'll take your discard and you've lost."