RYOTA is a voicebank for the UTAU program.
RYOTA was a warfare android designed for the war on Arion. After the fall of Arion, he was damaged and fled to Nekinyai. He attempted to transmit a message out to his company, receiving no response. Unaware he was Arionian built, he assumed his company was leaving him to rot.
Character details[]
- Likes: Travel, cats, video games, Kit
- Dislikes: High pitched noises
- Kit Tsune - Romantic Interest
- Kikiana Lyra - they have a past...
- Aino Lyra - actively avoids him
Voicebank details[]
- CV Japanese Monopitch (?)
- Half Voiced by stxrrie
- Recorded in 2018
- "the OG Kagaclone"
- UST by ksm
- RVC VCV Japanese
- Monopitch
- Mostly uses anon samples, most reliable version of RYOTA
- Ken Shippai ANDROMEDA used as inference
- UST by ksm
- RYOTA is formerly a Kagamine clone, however his counterpart was discontinued and thus he was redesigned.