UTAU wiki

Paris Carlisle has English and Japanse banks for the UTAU program.


Paris was released on June 19, 2019. His English and Japanese banks were released on the same day and demo videos for each were uploaded alongside each other. His release succeeded Lewis' by a day.

As both banks are outdated, it is planned that Paris will receive new English and Japanese banks in the future.


Paris was constructed by a company in the 1950s to be a butler robot. He was set up to be advertised as a perfect mechanical servant, programmed with a pleasant, calm demeanor and motherly tone. However, Paris was the only prototype to be made, as the company ran into problems getting investments and the production of Paris was more expensive than they expected. The company ended up declaring bankruptcy, but was quickly bought out by Wendelken Enterprises. Paris began working alongside the mascot for the company, Lewis Wendelken, and took solace in knowing he had a fellow robot there. When Lewis confessed his love to him, Paris gladly accepted and the two began a public relationship. Wendelken Enterprises continues to be a flourishing company, and Paris spends most of his time tending to things around the company and him and Lewis' shared house. Paris is highly insecure of his own voice and lisp, to which Lewis constantly encourages him and tells him his voice is his favorite.

Likes: Lewis, cooking, cleaning, gardening, singing, dancing

Dislikes: Hearing sad news, bugs, dust, clutter


  • Carlisle - "Stronghold"
  • Paris - "Great Lover"


  • Hair color - Black
  • Eye color - White
  • Skin color: Pure white, unfinished paint job
  • Outfit - Paris has a standard uniform seen in the above image. He also enjoys wearing maid dresses.
  • Body build - Slim, slender, feminine figure


Product Information[]

Product Information
  Genre: Electroswing  Tempo: Any  Range: Mezzo-soprano
Input: CVVC Japanese Hiragana, CVVC English (SunGuardian list)

System: Microsoft Windows

Package details as noted:
CVVC English
  • Paris' English voicebank uses the CV+VC English reclist made by SunGuardian.
  • Paris is bipitch, recorded at A#3 and G#4.
  • Paris' range is mezzo-soprano.
  • Paris has three standalone breaths and all vowel end breaths.

CVVC Japanese

  • Paris' Japanse bank uses a 7-mora CVVC Japanese reclist with some English extras.
  • This bank is bipitch, recorded at A#3 and G#4.
  • His range is mezzo-soprano.
  • Paris has three standalone breaths and all vowel end breaths.
Vocal traits as noted:
  • Paris has a soft, airy tone
  • fresamp11 and the flags BRE0Y99C99F1L1 are the best for Paris.


  • Paris' tone and cadence carries over to his Japanese bank.
  • fresamp11 and the flags BRE0Y99C99F1L1 are the best for Paris.
Software issues as noted:
  • The reclist Paris is recorded on is a bit limited in what it can produce.
  • It is hard to get a smooth sound with his particular English.
  • He is not configured correctly.


  • Paris has mostly middle CVs to work with instead of beginning alongside middle.
  • Paris is not configured correctly.
Voicebank sample
  • English
  • Cheap Thrills (UST by utsuWOLF)

  • Japanese
  • グルカゴン (UST by マコロン)

Both are rendered with fresamp!

Additional information[]


Paris' voicebanks are and will always be free for usage in the UTAU program.

Potential official merch will be coming, and will be available on GraySlate's Redbubble.


  • Paris is technically an unfinished model. He was intended to look more human, but his paint job was never fully finished.
  • Paris is Lewis' romantic partner.
  • Paris frequently dons maid dresses.
  • Paris has many parlor tricks despite being in an unfinished state of development.


It's unsure how many people have used Paris, but it is hoped that he is used more.


Both banks are in zip format.

Paris' English bank can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/h7byjvam51e2lju/Paris_Carlisle_CVVC_English.zip/file

Paris' Japanese can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ee570kf66skt138/Paris_Carlisle_CVVC_Japanese.zip/file





External links[]
