UTAU wiki
UTAU wiki

I need pretzels!
— Naifuchi everytime

Odin was a wretch towards me
— Naifuchi thinking about his life

Vati!! I love you Vati!
— Naifuchi referring to his abusive father

NAIFUCHI (ナイフチ) is a voicebank for the UTAU program.


Some informations[]

  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Height: 1.70
  • Species: Semi-dead
  • Nationality: German/Japanese
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Birthday: 20 January
  • Religion: Paganism
  • Fav food: Pretzel
  • Item: Big knife
  • Likes: German culture, chocolate, beer, opera singing, cook, drawing, affection
  • Dislikes: Japanese culture, America

Etymology details[]

  • Naifuchi (ナイフ+チ) - Knife + Blood
  • Naifu (ナイフ) - Knife

Real Name/Human Name[]

  • Hans Schulz

Political compass[]

He was was part of an old project that included several utauloids called POLITICAL COMPASS PACK but now he has his own project

  • He was supposed to be a cringy parody of far-right ideals named NACHISO, but since the author has moved on something other than being an edgy teen fixed politics (she was 15 at the time), she wanted to preserve the character in another way that wasn't something hateful.

So now the character officially represents someone who has come out of a past where parents imposed repressive ideals and abuses.

A dystopic reality[]

Uncertain day, Uncertain month, 2050

Hans Schulz is just a small child who finds himself facing a strange world totally darkened by the worst side of the human mind, a world totally rewritten by the Axis victory in WWII.

On the other hand, the technologies at a first glance seem totally well developed, but something in the head of that innocent little child was wrong.

He lived in a family consisting of a German father, named Stephan and a Japanese mother named Kumiko. He has a brother named Ezra.

Although the future of the little boy was now written perfectly by a father totally dedicated to his education, in reality everything seems quite uncertain and full of great darkness.

What will happen to Hans?

Hans species and background[]

The species of NAIFUCHI are called "semi-deads", consists mostly of dead people who are given a second chance to live.

Their physical peculiarities are the absence of irises and also the fact that they don't grow up physically from the form in which they died.

The absence of irises can only be seen by other "semi-deads"!!

Another thing is the fact that they have a second name added to the one they had in life, but this name represents an element to which they are linked.

Deaths in his family

  • Naifuchi killed himself due to the depression accumulated over the years because of his parents


  • Uknown


  • He's an age regressor
  • He's into Morute aesthetic
  • His fav singer is Nicole Dollaganger

Voicebank details[]

ACT 1.5


Terms of Use[]

All the provisions below shall be applied to the voicebank:

  • R-18 Content Allowed?
  • Permission not required
  • Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed?
  • Permission required
  • Commercial Use of Character Allowed?
  • Permission required
  • Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices?
  • Permission required for a derivative of his bank

