UTAU wiki
UTAU wiki

—Yaruki? Nēyo.(Motivation? None.)

Matsudappoiyo (松田っぽいよ (まつだっぽいよ)) also known as Matsuda Souta (松田爽汰) is a voicebank for the UTAU program.


Matsudappoiyo was first released on March 20th, 2010.

In 2014, Matsudappoiyo's voicebank download was taken down.

His banks were then made available again for a brief period of time from December 2016 to early January 2017 in occasion of the release of the original Matsudappoiyo album "lethargy" before being taken down again.

On his 9th anniversary, on March 20, 2019, the creator reuploaded all of his voicebanks, along with a new bank called Light. All of Matsuda Toki's other UTAUs were made available again as well.


Matsudappoiyo appears to be lazy and unmotivated and seems to love napping.

  • Item: Not determined, though he's commonly associated with soda and/or a blue electric guitar.
  • Likes: Soda
  • Dislikes: Burdock
  • Birthday: March 20th[1]


  • Matsuda (松田) - From creator's name, a common Japanese last name.
  • Poiyo (ぽいよ) - Suffix meaning "it's like so" or "it seems so".
  • Matsudappoiyo (松田っぽいよ) - "He is like Matsuda".


  • Hair color - Sky blue with white highlights on both sides of temples
  • Eye color - Crimson
  • Outfit - White shirt, sky blue tie and black pants. Also wears black wrist warmers with a single sky blue stripe running through the middle on both.


Voicebank distribution[]

Voice Reclist ; Range Description ; Download
Strong VCV VCV; G1~F4 "A strong but mellow voicebank.; DL"
Soft VCV VCV; C3~F4 "A soft voicebank.; DL"
Retake edge VCV; E1~A5 "A loud voicebank with soft bass and strong treble.; DL"
Retake quiet VCV; A2~D5 "A voicebank with quiet treble and bass.; DL"
Retake sing VCV; E1~B5 "A voicebank that sings with an "e" mouth shape.; DL"
Retake heart VCV; A2~D#4 "A soft voicebank close to whispering, weak for long tones.; DL"
Retake warm CV; E1-G#6 "A soft voicebank with different pronunciation.; DL"
Retake against VCV; D3~F4 "A strong voicebank with a hard feeling.; DL"
Light VCV; E1~D5 "A voicebank with more open sounds.; DL"

Voice details[]

  • Input - Kana encoded and kana aliased
  • System - Microsoft Windows
  • Optimum - Range: A#2~A#3,

Voice samples[]

Additional information[]

Terms of Use[]

All the provisions below shall be applied to the voicebank, Matsudappoiyo.

  • R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
  • Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
  • Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
  • Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
  • Click here to view the full terms of use for this UTAU.


External links[]
