Amai was originally created and voiced by his original owner morrysillusion. His ownership was transferred to SoraFan810 on March 27, 2020, where he received a new voice.
Amai hails from the wealthy Majone family, born into the Meijine side. As such, he is a monster-witch hybrid. He is rather spoiled and bratty, and likes being the center of attention. However, he does have a soft side, as he is very caring to his family. He is very close to his cousin Lancer in particular.
Despite being a monster, he isn't very malicious or threatening towards people. He also has a human form, and in this form, his skin becomes a light brown color, his tail disappears, his ears become human, and he wears pink and yellow shoes with light blue shoelaces. He is the only member of his family with this ability.
Voicebank Distribution[]
Amai's voicebank is a young sounding male voice. It is a Japanese CV voicebank that is romaji encoded, but is unaliased. He also has an MMD model that was made by Suminochan.
Voicebank Download: https://sta.sh/011gtpawgd7h
Model download: https://sta.sh/0293s65wizpj