Personality: Rather reserved in comparison to his sister. Passive aggressive, Lazy and doesn't like to take charge. Gets flustered easily. Extremely loving to the select few he cares about.
- Kimine Kiichigo (Older Sister, finds annoying)
- Suzue Kiichigo (Younger sister, is extremely protective of)
- Ham (Best Friend)
- Misha (Is scared of)
Usage Clause[]
♪ Usage must follow the terms set by UTAU's Creator, Ameya/AmeyaP
♪ No Claiming this voicebank as your own, or claiming to be it's creator.
♪ The creator holds no responsibility if incidents occur.
Voicebank Usage
♪ Permission is not required for banks to be used. Showing the creator is not required, but appreciated.
♪ No using the banks under a different name to the name of the voicebank, claiming the bank as someone else etc.
♪ No modification of the voice samples.
♪ Pitchloids are forbidden
♪ Do not use the samples in the voicebanks for another UTAULOID's voicebank.
♪ Modification of the OTO.ini file is ok for personal use. Contact the creator for any major issues.
♪ Commercial usage requires the creator's permission.
♪ R18 works are not allowed.
♪ The Creator maintains authority over the character.
♪ Creative works featuring the UTAU (Such as Fanfiction/Games/Song covers/Comics/Fanart/other) can derive from set personality if it's appropriate.
Voice Configuration[]
Akiharu's CV and VCV voicebanks are complete, with OTO.ini and aliases.
Akiharu's voicebanks can be downloaded for use, as well as Kimine's over on their website.
Older voicebanks are still available for public download/will be given upon request but they are not recommended as higher quality banks are available.
Please contact Echoblossom123/Ekkoberry if there are any concerns/issues.
Akiharu's Twitterbot is here (No longer updated by the creator)
Akiharu's Current LAT MMD model is now public. and can be downloaded here

Current LAT MMD Model
This article is written and certified true and correct by the author of the character. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice. Please refrain from editing any information without the creator's permission.
Please contact EchoBlossom123/Ekkoberry if you have any problems.