UTAU wiki

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Akiata Nezara (秋田 ネザーラ) is a voicebank for the UTAU & OpenUTAU program.


> Etymology details[]

Akiata Nezara (秋田 ネザーラ) is a name made up by Ranshka. It doesn't have any inspiration or origin as it is a name totally invented.

> Character details[]

  • Age : 25 years old ;
  • Gender : Female ;
  • Sexuality : Heterosexual ;
  • Ethnicity : Italian Japanese ;
  • Height : 5'6ft (172cm) ;
  • Weight : 59kg ;
  • Hair color : Black ;
  • Eyes color : Teal.

> Backstory[]


> Relationships[]

Voicebank details[]

Akiata's voicebanks is a CV. Her voicebank is available for download.

> Download[]

Akiata's voicebank can be downloaded here: Link

>Terms of Use[]

All the provisions below shall be applied to the voicebank: Link

> BanList[]

This ban list has been created to inform who is not allowed to use the voicebank due to drama or other problem those people caused : Link


> CV Design[]

Akiata Nezara Ref by SunnyPoppy

