UTAU wiki

Agata Kokoro (ココロアガタ) is a voicebank for the UTAU program.


Shy, cute, makes friends easily, loves to eat strawberries with condensed milk, says "nya " almost all the time, yandere, idolizes vocaloid Kagamine Len and Hatsune Miku, hates Tei Sukone. She can turn off her emotions whenever she wants, when this happens her voice becomes strangely sweet, her face partially turns black, and it is only possible to see the red lights of her eyes, and she takes off her sleeves showing her large luminous red claws, usually she does this when she gets mad or really sad.

  • Item: Strawberry
  • Likes: Strawberries, saying "nya!", Len Kagamine


  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Red
  • Earphones: White
  • Outfit: White


  • Kokoro Kuroshiro - brother
  • NULU - brother
  • Kokoro Shoota - brother
  • Wana no Uta - boyfriend
  • Tei Sukone - hate

Voicebank distribution[]
